About three and half years ago, I spoke with Caldwell, from The Bubblegum Complex, about doing a record together and it really never panned out as we got caught up with life. With my new record in the bag and set to be released this Autumn, I’ve been starting other projects with people and I thought now is as good a time as any to see if Caldwell wanted to ease back into doing some songs. Caldwell is recovering from surgery in Mississippi so we couldn’t really get together in my studio to record some new stuff, so what we did was started with an acoustic track that Caldwell had hastily recorded to get his idea down. He was having trouble writing a lyric and melody for the song…so I took a stab. In the end, I only ended up doing the vocal/lyric and adding a mellotron to the track that has a huge pre-delay reverb out to a delay. I cleaned up the track a little frequency-wise and here is what we have…our first attempt at collaboration. We plan on doing more of this and hopefully, once Caldwell has recovered, we’ll be able to write and record a whole noise-filled record together here in Nashville. For now, you’ll probably see tracks pop up here and there on this site.