Zero Art Studio final floor plan

November 28, 2010
November 28, 2010 Tate Eskew

Zero Art Studio final floor plan

Well, I think this is the final floor plan that will be built starting around the first of the year. I’m still waiting on a few quotes for different parts of the construction, but I have a decent idea of what it will all cost. As you can see, I’ve changed the layout of the staircase and substituted a spiral staircase for the wide staircase at the rear of the control room. This provides 4 extra feet of space directly behind the console. You can see the previous design here.

The new (final) design:

Final Zero Art Studio Floor Plan

Final Zero Art Studio Floor Plan

Tate Eskew

Tate is the owner of the site you are looking at. He sometimes makes posts about interesting stuff and other times, not so much.

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